FM approved sandwich panels have become a preferred choice in the construction industry owing to their high fire resistance property, structural stability and improved performance against natural hazards. Made from CFC-free polyisocyanurate foaming material sandwiched between metal surfaces, these Firearmet panels are manufactured by the state-of-the-art foaming technology using Elastopir.
Rinac provides energy-efficient structures with Firearmet—FM Approved Sandwich Panels with excellent insulation and fire resistant properties. Rinac also provides engineered panels that work perfectly for flooring, external and partition walls, ceiling, and roofs.
Factory. Dry warehouses. Cold warehouses. Blast and quick freezers
Rinac's capabilities in modular construction extend from concept to completion. With a focus on compliance with global FM standards, these panels have been successful in meeting the growing demand for fire-protection properties, making buildings safe and and energy-efficient. Moreover, you will have the Rinac advantage!
Firearmet FM approved sandwich panels will ensure: