SERVING THE SOCIETY (STS) “For it is in giving that we receive” Giving back to the society is our basic social responsibility and we carry it out religiously. Our works of philanthropy are carried out subtly but effectively. We care, we understand, we serve.

Description The success of Rinac cannot solely be accounted to the unmatched cooling solutions that we provide on a national scale. We do not shy away from performing such tasks that have time and again helped us evolve as humans and form a major support in our success.


What’s the program?
The CSR policy adopted by the Rinac family is the resultant realization and a call to action of the social responsibility of every individual. This policy defines the protocols that govern such projects and programs that aids the organization help a greater number of people in numerous ways.

Our program is also dedicated to the provision of education to rural areas including the information technology, i.e. computers. We assist these students in honing their skills apart from the academics.

Maintenance of hygiene for the school students at the government or semi-government school is facilitated by building properly functioning washrooms and toilets within the school premises.

The elderly and the orphans play a crucial role in our program as well. We ensure that these people too, get to enjoy all the basic necessities that they are equally entitled to receive.

How we envision it?

Our motivation behind a program of this magnitude is to add more value by creating a more literate and uplifted society. To this extent we contribute to building a better society and consequentially an enhanced community, thereby fulfilling our social responsibility zealously.

How we intend to do it?

Our objectives to this end are very concrete and specific. We are absolutely certain that all the programs and activities to be held under this policy will be undertaken by Rinac India Limited. All the modalities will be properly demarcated and a constant monitoring of the same will be exercised.

We believe in being a part of and if and when necessary creating an empowered and improved global community for which we will strive hard under the banner of our business entity. Hence, we do not hesitate to either generate or be a part of any such endeavor that works towards the greater cause of developing the world community.

How we implement it?

We successfully carry out these programs either independently or in alliance with NGOs, with schools that are listed under the Ministry of Human Resource Development.



  1. This CSR Policy encompasses Rinac India Limited’s philosophy for social responsibilities and lays down the guidelines and mechanism for undertaking projects, programs and activities towards such responsibilities.


  1. The CSR Policy sets out Rinac India Limited’s commitment towards ensuring that our activities extend beyond business and include initiatives and endeavors for the benefit and development of the community and society. The CSR Policy lays down guidelines for undertaking programmes geared towards social welfare activities or initiatives. Through this CSR Policy, we propose to adopt the CSR Activities mentioned below.
  2. In alignment with the above vision, Rinac India Limited, through the CSR Activities, will endeavor to enhance value creation in the society and in the community, through its services, conduct and initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfilment of its role as a socially responsible corporate.
  3. This CSR Policy has been framed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act 2013 and the rules issued thereunder.
  4. The objective of this CSR Policy is to:
    1. Outline projects, programs and activities to be undertaken by Rinac India Limited;
    2. Specify the modalities of execution of such projects, programs and activities;
    3. Monitor the process to be followed for such projects, programs and activities;
    4. Directly or indirectly take up programs that benefit the communities in and around its work centers and results, over a period of time, in enhancing the quality of life and economic well-being of the local populace; and
    5. Generate community goodwill for Rinac India Limited and help reinforce a positive and socially responsible image, through our CSR Activities.


  1. The CSR Committee has been constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Act comprising of the 3 (three) Directors. The Company Secretary shall be the secretary to the Committee. The CSR Committee may invite other experts/ invitees as per its requirements.
  2. The CSR Committee shall be responsible for:
    1. Formulating the CSR Policy, including the CSR Activities and their budgets as well as recommendation of any subsequent change/ modification to the CSR Policy;
    2. Institute an implementation and monitoring mechanism for CSR Activities;
    3. Periodically updating the Board on the progress being made in the planned CSR Activities;
    4. Providing a responsibility statement in the Board’s report.


The CSR Cell has been constituted to assist the CSR Committee with the implementation and impact assessment of the CSR initiatives. The CSR Cell comprises of the following:

  1. Mr. P.V.Balasubramanian- Managing Director
  2. Mr. P.Sukumaran – Whole Time Director
  3. Mr. N.Siva sankaran –Independent Director
  4. Mr. K.R.Madhu – Vice President
  5. Mr. Dinesh Bhandary – Vice President
  6. Mr. R.Manikandan – Company Secretary

Role of the CSR Cell

The CSR Cell shall be responsible for:

  • Identifying CSR Activities at the directions of the Board and the CSR Committee;
  • Undertaking impact assessment of the CSR Activities;
  • Determining the modalities of execution including targets and timelines in consultation with the CSR Committee;
  • Timely implementation of the CSR Activities approved by the Board in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Act and CSR Rules;
  • Providing periodic reports to the CSR Committee on implementation as well as assessment carried out through field visits and feedback sessions; and
  • Any other assistance as may be required by the Board and the CSR Committee in relation to implementation of the CSR Activities.


 Rinac India Limited has identified the following focus areas of intervention in an information technology backed/ enabled environment at such number of schools in rural/semi-urban areas in India as may be identified by us and also our sites and work stations:

    1. improving Elementary / Rural Education with the support of Information Technology, including providing computer literacy; and
    2. Building washroom/ toilet for boys and girls in schools.
    3. Knowledge development programmes, supporting the student to develop their skills in specific areas.
  1. The criteria for selecting schools/ areas where the CSR Activities will be carried will, inter-alia, comprise of the following:
    1. The school should be a government/semi-government school.
    2. First choice will be to identify schools from the list of schools shared by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
    3. Readiness on the part of the school management, local authorities and the community to accept the technology and give their full support.
    4. Availability of space in the school premises for toilets, solar power plant and learning stations for elementary education through providing technology-aided group learning in an outdoor and technical feasibility for installing solar plant.
    5. Availability of broadband connectivity at the location.
  2. Support food to the Orphan schools, old age homes, etc.
  3. The Board shall ensure that appropriate designated staff or personnel provides adequate assistance (viz. data collection, survey, quotations and costs involved etc.) to the CSR Committee to enable it to make necessary recommendations to the Board. For this purpose, the CSR Committee may also approach external consultants for necessary assistance as it may deem fit at such costs as may be approved by the Board.
  4. The CSR Committee shall undertake sufficient due diligence of each of the CSR Activity before it is implemented.
  5. Based on the recommendations of the CSR Committee, the Board shall approve the following:
    1. The specific CSR Activities that should be undertaken from time to time;
    2. The amount of the CSR Expenditure on each of the CSR Activity; and
    3. Whether the CSR Activities will be undertaken directly or through an implementing agency or in collaboration with any other companies, including by availing services of any NGOs and record reasons for the same.
  6. Activities undertaken in pursuance of the normal course of Rinac India Limited’s business shall not be considered towards CSR Expenditure.


The CSR spend by qualifying Rinac India Limited for the financial year 2015-2016 shall be as per the requirements of the Companies Act 2013. The entity is in compliance with the provisions of the Act and the CSR Rules, including notifications and clarifications issued thereunder.

The Board shall approve the allocation of the CSR Expenditure on the CSR Activities and, to the extent possible, shall give priority to the local areas wherever Rinac India Limited has its operations.


  1.  The Board along with the CSR Committee and the CSR Cell shall be responsible for implementation of this CSR Policy.
  2. By implementing the CSR Activities, we expect elementary education through providing technology-aided group learning in an outdoor, computer literacy by the provision of learning stations and general literacy amongst the children, and the availability of the sanitation by the provision of functional toilets.
  3. Vehicle for implementation
    1. We may undertake the CSR Activities either ourselves or through other qualifying Non-government organizations (“NGOs”) or agencies. The projects, programs or activities identified by the CSR Committee and approved by the Board shall be implemented in a project mode through the CSR Cell which will entail charting the stages of execution through planned processes, measurable targets, mobilization and allocation of budgets and prescribed timelines. It also involves assigning of responsibility and accountability. Suitable documents / agreements shall be entered into with NGOs and the other agencies for the purposes of implementation of the CSR Activity, in case the CSR Activity is proposed to be implemented through the third party agencies. The conditions of grant of amounts for all CSR Activities and the break-up of the allocations shall be set out and evaluated from time to time.
  4. To the extent feasible, a project based accountability approach to stress on the long term sustainability of CSR Activities shall be adopted, and the indicative action plan and implementation schedule (timelines) for the projects, programs and activities shall be adopted.


  1. To ensure effective implementation of the CSR projects, programmes and activities undertaken in terms of this CSR Policy, the progress of each such project, programme and activity will be reported to the CSR Committee on a monthly/quarterly basis, with all requisite documentation.
  2. A Half yearly report on implementation shall be submitted to the Board by the CSR Committee.
  3. The CSR Committee will conduct impact studies on a periodic basis, through independent professional third parties/professional institutions.
  4. The CSR Committee shall also try to obtain feedback from the beneficiaries of the CSR projects, programmes and activities. If considered necessary, the effectiveness of the various programs/ activities undertaken under the CSR Policy may be got evaluated through external agencies for providing the required feed back and inputs to formulate and improve the programs in future.


  1.  Regular and interactive feedback sessions shall be conducted at all levels including with other NGOs through which CSR Activities are being undertaken as well as the respective beneficiaries of all the CSR Activities undertaken by us.
  2. Field visits shall be conducted at regular intervals to ensure effective implementation.
  3.  Proper documentation shall be done in an MIS format to record key observations of such feedback sessions and field-visits.
  4.  If deemed necessary by the CSR Committee, the effectiveness of the various programs/ activities undertaken under the CSR Policy may be evaluated through external agencies and reports shall be prepared pursuant to such evaluation.


  1. The CSR Committee shall maintain proper minutes of all its meetings.
  2. The CSR Committee shall prepare an annual report on CSR with such information and particulars as may be required by the Act and such report shall be included in the Board’s report annexed to the financial statements.
  3. The Board’s report shall include an annual report on CSR containing such details as may be prescribed from time to time under the Act and the CSR Rules.
  4. The Board will be responsible to ensure that the statutory requirements as may be prescribed from time to time under the Act and the CSR Rules are complied with.


  1. Any surplus arising out of the CSR projects/programs or activities shall not form part of the business profits of the qualifying Rinac India Limited.
  2. All administrative expenses, including expenditure on wages and salaries, tours and travels, and training and development of personnel deputed on CSR Activities would be borne from CSR funds. However, the expenditure in a financial year for building CSR capacities of the personnel as well as the implementing agencies shall not exceed 5% (five per cent.) of total CSR Expenditure in such financial year.
  3. If it is observed that any CSR Activity taken up for implementation is found not properly implemented, the CSR Committee may, with approval of the Board, may discontinue funding the project at any time during the course of implementation and use such funds for any other project.
  4. The CSR Committee shall have the power to clarify any doubts or rectify any anomalies that may exist in connection with the effective execution of this CSR Policy.


The CSR Committee is empowered to amend or modify the CSR Policy and such changes shall be placed before the Board for its approval. The Board may subject to compliance with applicable law, at any time approve or alter, amend or modify the CSR Policy, as it deems fit to comply with the statutory obligation to undertake the CSR Activities.

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